Black plate (7,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual - 2013 - CRC - 10/5/12Keys, Doors, and Windows 2-74. Press the ENGINE START/STOP button. When thetransmitter is learned, the DICdisplay will show that it is readyto program the next transmitter.5. Remove the transmitter from thetransmitter pocket and press Kor Q on the transmitter.To program additionaltransmitters, repeat Steps 3–5.When all additional transmittersare programmed, press and holdthe START/STOP button forapproximately 12 seconds to exitprogramming mode.Programming without aRecognized Transmitter (KeylessAccess Vehicles Only)If there are no currently recognizedtransmitters available, follow thisprocedure to program up to eighttransmitters. This feature is notavailable in Canada. This procedurewill take approximately 30 minutesto complete. The vehicle must beoff and all transmitters to beprogrammed must be with you.1. Remove the key lock cylindercap. See Door Locks onpage 2‑11. Insert the vehicle keyinto the key lock cylinder on thedriver door handle, then turn thekey counterclockwise to theunlock position five times within10 seconds.The Driver Information Center(DIC) displays REMOTE LEARNPENDING, PLEASE WAIT.2. Wait for 10 minutes until the DICdisplays PRESS ENGINESTART BUTTON TO LEARNand then press the ENGINESTART/STOP button.The DIC display will again showREMOTE LEARN PENDING,PLEASE WAIT.3. Repeat Step 2 two additionaltimes. After the third time allpreviously known transmitterswill no longer work with thevehicle. Remaining transmitterscan be relearned during the nextsteps.The DIC display shouldnow show READY FORREMOTE # 1.4. Place the new transmitter in thetransmitter pocket. The centerconsole storage area will needto be opened to access thetransmitter pocket.