CHECK OIL LEVELIf the oil level in the vehicle is low, this message willappear on the DIC. Check the oil level and correct it asnecessary. You may need to let the vehicle cool orwarm up and cycle the ignition to be sure this messagewill clear. Once the problem is corrected, pressingany of the four DIC buttons, if equipped, will clear themessage from the DIC display. If your vehicle isnot equipped with the four DIC buttons, pressing the tripodometer reset stem will clear the message from theDIC display. This message will clear itself after10 seconds until the next ignition cycle. See Engine Oilon page 5-13 for additional information.CHECK TIRE PRESSUREIf a low tire pressure is detected in any of the vehicle’stires, this message will appear on the DIC. Pressingany of the four DIC buttons, if equipped, will clear themessage from the DIC display. If your vehicle is notequipped with the four DIC buttons, pressing thetrip odometer reset stem will clear the message fromthe DIC display. It will appear at each ignition cycle untilthe tires are inflated to the correct inflation pressure.See Tire Pressure Monitor System on page 5-68for more information on tires and the correct inflationpressures.CHECK WASHER FLUIDIf the washer fluid level is low, this message will appearon the DIC. Adding washer fluid will clear the message.See Windshield Washer Fluid on page 5-35. Pressingany of the four DIC buttons, if equipped, will clearthe message from the DIC display. If your vehicle is notequipped with the four DIC buttons, pressing the tripodometer reset stem will clear the message fromthe DIC display. This message will clear itself after10 seconds until the next ignition cycle.DRIVER DOOR AJARIf the driver’s door is not fully closed and the vehicle isin a drive gear, this message will appear on thedisplay and you will hear a chime. Stop and turn off thevehicle, check the door for obstacles and close thedoor again. Check to see if the message still appearson the DIC. Pressing any of the four DIC buttons,if equipped, will clear the message from the DIC display.If your vehicle is not equipped with the four DICbuttons, pressing the trip odometer reset stem will clearthe message from the DIC display.3-55