Malfunction Indicator LampCheck Engine LightYour vehicle is equippedwith a computer whichmonitors operation of thefuel, ignition and emissioncontrol systems.This system is called OBD II (On-BoardDiagnostics-Second Generation) and is intended toassure that emissions are at acceptable levels for thelife of the vehicle, helping to produce a cleanerenvironment. The Check Engine light comes on toindicate that there is a problem and service is required.Malfunctions often will be indicated by the systembefore any problem is apparent. This may prevent moreserious damage to your vehicle. This system is alsodesigned to assist your service technician in correctlydiagnosing any malfunction.Notice: If you keep driving your vehicle with thislight on, after a while, your emission controlsmay not work as well, your fuel economy may notbe as good and your engine may not run assmoothly. This could lead to costly repairs that maynot be covered by your warranty.Notice: Modifications made to the engine,transmission, exhaust, intake or fuel system of yourvehicle or the replacement of the original tireswith other than those of the same Tire PerformanceCriteria (TPC) can affect your vehicle’s emissioncontrols and may cause this light to come on.Modifications to these systems could lead to costlyrepairs not covered by your warranty. This mayalso result in a failure to pass a required EmissionInspection/Maintenance test.This light should come on, as a check to show you it isworking, when the ignition is on and the engine isnot running. If the light does not come on, have itrepaired. This light will also come on during amalfunction in one of two ways:• Light Flashing — A misfire condition has beendetected. A misfire increases vehicle emissionsand may damage the emission control system onyour vehicle. Diagnosis and service may berequired.• Light On Steady — An emission control systemmalfunction has been detected on your vehicle.Diagnosis and service may be required.3-44