Q: Suppose, after stalling, I try to back down thehill and decide I just can not do it. What shouldI do?A: Set the parking brake, put your transmission inPARK (P) and turn off the engine. Leave thevehicle and go get some help. Exit on the uphillside and stay clear of the path the vehiclewould take if it rolled downhill.Driving DownhillWhen off-roading takes you downhill, you will want toconsider a number of things:• How steep is the downhill? Will I be able to maintainvehicle control?• What’s the surface like? Smooth? Rough? Slippery?Hard-packed dirt? Gravel?• Are there hidden surface obstacles? Ruts? Logs?Boulders?• What is at the bottom of the hill? Is there ahidden creek bank or even a river bottom withlarge rocks?If you decide you can go down a hill safely, then try tokeep your vehicle headed straight down, and use alow gear. This way, engine drag can help your brakesand they will not have to do all the work. Descendslowly, keeping your vehicle under control at all times.{CAUTION:Heavy braking when going down a hill cancause your brakes to overheat and fade. Thiscould cause loss of control and a seriousaccident. Apply the brakes lightly whendescending a hill and use a low gear to keepvehicle speed under control.4-25