Problem Recommended ActionAfter stopping the player,I push Play butsometimes the DVDstarts where I left off andsometimes at thebeginning.If the stop button waspressed one time, the DVDplayer will resume playingwhere the DVD wasstopped. If the stop buttonwas pressed two times theDVD player will begin toplay from the beginning ofthe DVD.The auxiliary source isrunning but there is nopicture or sound.Check that the DVDplayer is in the auxiliarysource mode.Check the auxiliary inputconnections at bothdevices.My disc is stuck in theplayer. The Load/Ejectbutton does not work.Turn the DVD power off,then on and press theLoad/Eject button on theDVD player.Do not attempt to forciblyremove the disc from theDVD player. This couldpermanently damage thedisc and DVD player.Problem Recommended ActionSometimes the wirelessheadphone audio cutsout or buzzes.Check for obstructions, lowbatteries, reception range,and interference fromcellular telephone towersor by using your cellulartelephone in the vehicle.Check that theheadphones are facing thefront of the vehicle.I lost the remote and/orthe headphones. See your dealer forassistance.The DVD is playing, butthere is no picture orsound.Check that the DVD playeris in DVD mode.The audio/video skipsor jumps.The DVD or CD could bedirty, scratched, ordamaged.What is the best way toclean the video screen?Wipe the video screen witha damp, soft cloth.The audio from the radiofor the Radio withSix-Disc CD and XM™has taken over the audiofrom the DVD or CDwhen using the wiredheadphones.The RSE is workingcorrectly.Use the wirelessheadphones or have thefront seat passengerslisten to another audiosource.3-93