Black plate (8,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 20111-8 In BriefMemory FeaturesThe controls on the driver door areused to program and recall memorysettings for the driver seat, outsidemirrors, power steering column, andthe adjustable throttle and brakepedals.Storing Memory PositionsTo save into memory:1. Adjust the driver seat, includingthe seatback recliner andlumbar, both outside mirrors,power steering column, and thethrottle and brake pedals.See Power Mirrors on page 2‑16and Adjustable Throttle andBrake Pedal on page 9‑31 formore information.Not all mirrors and adjustablethrottles and brake pedals willhave the ability to save andrecall their positions.2. Press and hold “1” untiltwo beeps sound.3. Repeat for a second driverposition using “2.”To recall, press and release “1” or“2.” The vehicle must be in P (Park).A single beep will sound. The seat,outside mirrors, steering column,and adjustable throttle and brakepedals will move to the positionspreviously stored for the identifieddriver.See “Memory Features” underPower Seat Adjustment on page 3‑3and Vehicle Personalization onpage 5‑40 for more information.Easy Exit PositionsThis feature can move the driverseat rearward and the powersteering column up and forward toallow extra room to exit the vehicle.B : Press to recall the easy exitpositions. The vehicle must be inP (Park).See “Memory Features” underPower Seat Adjustment on page 3‑3and Vehicle Personalization onpage 5‑40 for more information.