Black plate (78,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 20119-78 Driving and OperatingTotal Weight on the Vehicle'sTiresBe sure the vehicle's tires areinflated to the inflation pressuresfound on the Certification label onthe driver door or see VehicleLoad Limits on page 9‑24 for moreinformation. Make sure not toexceed the GVWR limit for thevehicle, or the RGAWR, with the towvehicle and trailer fully loaded forthe trip including the weight of thetrailer tongue. If using a weightdistributing hitch, make sure not toexceed the RGAWR before applyingthe weight distribution spring bars.Weight of the TraileringCombinationIt is important that the combinationof the tow vehicle and trailerdoes not exceed any of its weightratings — GCWR, GVWR, RGAWR,Trailer Weight Rating or TongueWeight. The only way to be sureit is not exceeding any of theseratings is to weigh the tow vehicleand trailer combination, fully loadedfor the trip, getting individualweights for each of these items.Towing EquipmentHitchesThe correct hitch equipment helpsmaintain combination control. Mostsmall-to-medium trailers can betowed with a weight carrying hitchwhich simply features a couplerlatched to the hitch ball. Largertrailers may require a weightdistributing hitch that uses springbars to distribute the trailer tongueweight among the two vehicle andtrailer axles. See “Weight of theTrailer Tongue” in Trailer Towing onpage 9‑74 for rating limits withvarious hitch types.If a step-bumper hitch will be used,the bumper could be damagedin sharp turns. Make sure thereis ample room when turning toavoid contact between the trailerand the bumper.Consider using sway controlswith any trailer. Ask a traileringprofessional about sway controls orrefer to the trailer manufacturer'srecommendations and instructions.