Black plate (12,1)Cadillac XTS Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-MidEast-8087803) - 2015 -crc - 6/24/143-12 Seats and Restraintsthe heated or ventilated seat buttonto use the heated or ventilated seatsafter the vehicle is started.The heated or ventilated seatindicator lights do not turn on duringa remote start.The temperature performance of anunoccupied seat may be reduced.This is normal.The heated or ventilated seats willnot turn on during a remote startunless they are enabled in thevehicle personalization menu. SeeRemote Vehicle Start on page 2-7and Vehicle Personalization onpage 5-46.MassageDriver Seat Shown, PassengerSeat Similar1. Feature Select2. Next Higher Massage Type3. Decrease Massage Intensity4. Next Lower Massage Type5. Increase Massage Intensity6. Massage On/OffIf equipped, the ignition must be onto display massage controls (1through 5).Press Massage On/Off (6) to recallthe last massage type and intensity.1. Move Feature Select (1) todisplay seating adjustments onthe center stack. Press andrelease or hold forward orrearward to scroll to massageoptions and activate. Activationmay be limited to apredetermined amount of time.It may deactivate if the driverdoor is opened with theignition off.2. Press Next Higher MassageType (2) or Next Lower MassageType (4) to select the next higheror lower massage type.3. Press Increase MassageIntensity (5) or DecreaseMassage Intensity (3) toincrease or decrease theintensity of the massage.Massage On/Off (6) may be used toactivate massage for a limited timewhen the vehicle ignition is in OFF.