1.9 RS-232 SERIAL PORT INTEGRATION PARAMETERSTable 8 provides the serial cable design information to integrate the Vanguard modem into your system. Table 9 givesthe default RS-232 communication parameters.Table 8 Standard RS-232 DE-9 PinoutPin Name Direction Description1 CD ← Carrier Detect2 RX ← Receive Data3 TX → Transmit Data4 DTR → Data Terminal Ready5 GND System Ground6 DSR ← Data Set Ready7 RTS → Request to Send8 CTS ← Clear to Send9 RI ← Ring Indicator(tied to + 5 V DC inthe Vanguard 3000)Note: Direction is DTE relative DCETable 9 Default RS-232 Communications ParametersParameter ValueBits Per Second 115,200Data Bits 8Parity NoneStop Bits 1Flow Control NoneFigure 10 DE-9 Connectors1 15 56 9 9 6Male Female1.9.1 ODP (OPEN DEVELOPERS PLATFORM) OVER RS-232This device includes the Open Developers Platform (ODP), which permits customers to develop their own Linux basedapplications which run on the modem’s ARM9 processor. The customer’s application can utilize the external RS-232port, the external I/O port, and/or an internal 3 pin (GND, RXD, TXD) RS-232 port and is able to transfer data over thecellular WAN using the Linux socket libraries. The Vanguard firmware also supports an API that allows the customer’sapplication to access diagnostic data from the cell module such as connection status and RSSI. More information andsupport is provided by CalAmp’s Applications Engineering organization.Vanguard 3000 Series Multicarrier Cellular Data Modem & IP Router PN 001-7300-100 Rev. B | Page 9