U ser 's GUide — 9f Feed rate — Enters or calculates Feed Rate.Unitless entries assumed millimeters per minutein Metric mode; inches per minute in U.S. mode.Calculates Feed Rate given values for Cutting Feedand RPM (Spindle Speed) or Feed per Tooth (ChipLoad), RPM and Number of Teeth.gf Wire Size — Enters or calculates Wire Size for3-Wire Measurements. Unitless entries assumedmillimeters in Metric mode; Inches in U.S. mode.Calculates the recommended Ideal, Maximum andMinimum Wire Sizes given an entered Thread Size.b bolt Pattern — Enters the number of holes in aBolt Pattern. Calculates the hole Center-to-CenterSpacing and the x and y coordinates for each holein a Bolt Pattern given entered Diameter, Number ofBolt Holes, Starting Angle (optional) and Center x andy coordinates (optional).gb Thread Classification (Thread Class) — Used toselect the Tolerance Class for metric Threads and theThread Class for numeric and fractional Threads. Thedefault Tolerance Class for metric Thread Sizes is 6H(Internal). The default Class for numeric and fractionalThread Sizes is 2B (Internal). See Thread Sizingsection for further details on available Classes.t Thread Size — Enters a metric, numeric or fractionalThread Size and provides Thread characteristicssuch as Cut Tap Drill Size, Minimum Major Diameter,etc. See Thread Sizing section for further details onentry format, valid entries and a listing of the resultingThread characteristics.gt % Thread — Enters a non-standard Thread GripPercentage for use in determining screw Tap DrillSizes. Default value is 75%.(cont’d)