60 — Machinist calc™ ProFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AS A RESULT, THIS PRODUCT,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, KEYSTROKE PROCEDURES,MATHEMATICAL ACCURACY AND PREPROGRAMMEDMATERIAL, IS SOLD “AS IS,” AND YOU THE PURCHASERASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS QUALITY ANDPERFORMANCE.IN NO EVENT WILL CI BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT,SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESRESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT IN THE PRODUCT OR ITSDOCUMENTATION.The warranty, disclaimer, and remedies set forth above are exclusiveand replace all others, oral or written, expressed or implied. No CIdealer, agent, or employee is authorized to make any modification,extension, or addition to this warranty.legal notesSoftware copyrighted and licensed to Calculated Industries by SpecialtyCalculator Technologies, LLC, 2011.User’s Guide copyrighted by Calculated Industries, Inc., 2011.Machinist Calc™ Pro is a trademark and Calculated Industries® is aregistered trademark of Calculated Industries, Inc. © 2011.all RIGHTs ReseRVeDDesigned in the U.s.a.looking for new IdeasCalculated Industries, a leading manufacturer of special-function calculators and digital measuring instruments, isalways looking for new product ideas in these areas.If you have a new product idea, please visit our “Bright Idea”page at www.calculated.com/brightidea.asp. For suggestionsabout improving this product or other products, please visitus at www.calculated.com under “Contact Us”. Thank You.(cont’d)