U ser 's GUide — 5Dimensional function Keysm Millimeters — Identifies entry as millimeters, withrepeated presses toggling between linear, area andvolume units. Converts dimensional value to units ofmillimeters, with repeated presses toggling betweenmillimeters and meters.g5 centimeters (cm) — Identifies entry as centimeters,with repeated presses toggling between linear, areaand volume units.g9 Meters (m) — Identifies entry as meters, withrepeated presses toggling between linear, area andvolume units.g7 Feet — Identifies entry as Feet, with repeatedpresses of g7 toggling between linear, area andvolume units. Also used with i and / for enteringFeet-Inch values. Repeated presses of g7 duringconversions toggle between fractional Feet-Inch anddecimal Feet.i Inch — Identifies entry as Inches, with repeatedpresses toggling between linear, area and volumeunits. Entry can be whole or decimal numbers. Alsoused with / for entering fractional Inch values (e.g.,9i1/2). Repeated presses during conversionstoggle between fractional and decimal Inches./ Fraction bar — Used to enter fractions. Fractionscan be entered as proper (1/2, 1/8, 1/16) or improper(3/2, 9/8). If the denominator (bottom) is notentered, the calculator’s fractional accuracy settingis automatically used. Results are always shown intypical dimensional fractional format.(cont’d)