77 7-37-3Error Codes > Error CodeError Codes > Error CodeError CodeECodeDetailCodeItem DescriptionE000 0000 Title Error in temperature rising of Fixing AssemblyDetectiondescriptionTemperature of the Fixing Assembly did not reach a certain temperaturewithin the specified period of time.Remedy 1. Check the connector between the Fixing Assembly and the DCController PCB.2. Replace the Fixing Assembly.3. Replace the Engine Controller PCB.E001 0000 Title Abnormal high temperature of Fixing AssemblyDetectiondescriptionIt was detected that the temperature of the Fixing Assembly wasabnormally high.Remedy 1. Check the connector between the Fixing Assembly and the DCController PCB.2. Replace the Fixing Assembly.3. Replace the Engine Controller PCB.E003 0000 Title Abnormal low temperature of Fixing AssemblyDetectiondescriptionIt was detected that the temperature of the Fixing Assembly wasabnormally low.Remedy 1. Check the connector between the Fixing Assembly and the DCController PCB.2. Replace the Fixing Assembly.3. Replace the DC Controller PCB.E004 0000 Title Error in fixing power supply drive circuitDetectiondescriptionFailed to detect the zero cross signal for the specified period of time ormore.Remedy 1. Check the connection of connector between the Fixing Assembly andthe Engine Controller PCB.2. Replace the Fixing Assembly.3. Replace the Engine Controller PCB.E014 0000 Title Error in startup of the Main MotorDetectiondescriptionRevolution of the Main Motor did not reach the specified value.Remedy 1. Check the connection of connector between the Main Motor and theEngine Controller PCB.2. Replace the Main Motor.3. Replace the Engine Controller PCB.E100 0000 Title Laser Scanner Assembly errorDetectiondescriptionAt the Laser Scanner Unit, BD cycle was not within the specified range.Remedy 1. Check the connection of connector between the Main Controller PCBand the Laser Scanner Unit.2. Check the connection of connector between the Relay PCB and theLaser Scanner Unit.3. Replace the Laser Scanner Unit.ECodeDetailCodeItem DescriptionE196 1000 Title Main Controller PCB reading/writing errorDetectiondescriptionError in reading/writing of main program in the Main Controller PCBRemedy 1. Install the set of the controller firmware.2. Replace the Main Controller PCB.E196 2000 Title Main Controller PCB reading/writing errorDetectiondescriptionError in reading/writing of setting values storage area in the MainController PCBRemedy 1. Install the set of the controller firmware.2. Replace the Main Controller PCB.E202 0001 Title CIS Unit HP error (outward)DetectiondescriptionCIS Unit did not move to HP even it moved backward.Reader HP Sensor error, Reader Motor error, CIS Unit errorRemedy 1. Replace the Reader HP Sensor.2. Replace the Reader Motor.3. Replace the CIS Unit.4. Replace the Reader Unit.E202 0002 Title CIS Unit HP error (homeward)DetectiondescriptionCIS Unit did not move to HP even it moved forward.Reader HP Sensor error, Reader Motor error, CIS Unit errorRemedy 1. Replace the Reader HP Sensor.2. Replace the Reader Motor.3. Replace the CIS Unit.4. Replace the Reader Unit.E248 0001 Title Error in access to backup data for Reader (reading error at power-on)DetectiondescriptionThe Reader-related adjustment values could not be read.Remedy 1. Clear the backup RAM of RCON.Execute COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>RCON.2. Enter all the values written on the service label in service modeagain.3. Turn OFF and then ON the main power.E351 0000 Title System errorDetectiondescriptionSystem error.Remedy 1. Install the set of the controller firmware.2. Replace the Main Controller PCB.E733 0000 Title Printer communication errorDetectiondescriptionCommunication error between the Engine Controller PCB and the MainController PCB occurred.Remedy 1. Check the connection of connector between the Engine ControllerPCB and the Main Controller PCB.2. Install the set of the controller firmware.3. Replace the Main Controller PCB.4. Replace the Engine Controller PCB.