88 8-208-20Service Mode > COPIER > COUNTER > JAMService Mode > COPIER > COUNTER > JAM■ PICK-UPCOPIER > COUNTER > PICK-UPC1 Cassette 1 pickup total counterDetails To count up the number of sheets picked up from the Cassette 1(standard Pickup Cassette).The counter is advanced regardless of the original size.The counter is advanced by printout in service mode.Display/adj/set range 0 to 99999999Unit Number of sheetsDefault value 0C2 Cassette 2 pickup total counterDetails To count up the number of sheets picked up from the Cassette 2(option Pickup Cassette).The counter is advanced regardless of the original size.The counter is advanced by printout in service mode.Display/adj/set range 0 to 99999999Unit Number of sheetsDefault value 0MF Multi-purpose Tray pickup total counterDetails To count up the number of sheets picked up from the Multi-purposeTray Pickup Unit.The counter is advanced regardless of the original size.The counter is advanced by printout in service mode.Display/adj/set range 0 to 99999999Unit Number of sheetsDefault value 02-SIDE 2-sided pickup total counterDetails To count up the number of sheets picked up in duplex mode.The counter is advanced regardless of the original size.The counter is advanced by printout in service mode.Display/adj/set range 0 to 99999999Unit Number of sheetsDefault value 0■ FEEDERCOPIER > COUNTER > FEEDERFEED ADF original pickup total counterDetails To count up the number of originals picked up from the ADF.The counter is advanced regardless of the original size.Use case When checking the total counter of original pickup by ADFDisplay/adj/set range 0 to 99999999Unit Number of sheetsDefault value 0T-8-21T-8-22■ JAMCOPIER > COUNTER > JAMTOTAL Printer total jam counterDetails To count up the number of total jam occurrences.Use case When checking the total jam counter of printerDisplay/adj/set range 0 to 99999999Unit Number of timesDefault value 0FEEDER ADF total jam counterDetails When checking the total jam counter of ADFDisplay/adj/set range 0 to 99999999Unit Number of timesDefault value 02-SIDE Duplex Unit jam counterDetails To count up the number of jam occurrences in the Duplex Unit.Use case When checking the jam counter of Duplex UnitDisplay/adj/set range 0 to 99999999Unit Number of timesDefault value 0MF Multi-purpose Pickup Tray jam counterDetails To count up the number of jam occurrences in the Multi-purpose TrayPickup Unit.The counter is advanced by paper size mismatch or misprint.Use case When checking the jam counter of Multi-purpose Pickup TrayDisplay/adj/set range 0 to 99999999Unit Number of timesDefault value 0C1 Cassette 1 pickup jam counterDetails To count up the number of jam occurrences in the Cassette 1(standard Pickup Cassette).The counter is advanced by paper size mismatch or misprint.Display/adj/set range 0 to 99999999Unit Number of timesDefault value 0C2 Cassette 2 pickup jam counterDetails To count up the number of jam occurrences in the Cassette 2 (optionPickup Cassette).The counter is advanced by paper size mismatch or misprint.Display/adj/set range 0 to 99999999Unit Number of timesDefault value 0T-8-23