384 Configure the settings for the mail server.• Enter the mail server address in [Mail Server].• If necessary, enter the port number to use for sending mail in[Port number].• Specify the authentication method for the mail server in the[Authentication method] list box. If necessary, click [Accesssetting] to specify a user name and password for authentication.5 Click [OK] to close the [Environmental settings] dialogbox.Job SettingsIf you selected [Send by E-mail] for the output method in the [Registernew job] dialog box (see p. 35), the [Compose e-mail] tab appears asfollows.Configure the following settings regarding the destination of the e-mailmessage:• Enter the recipient address in [Mail address]. Click [History] to selectan address from a history of previous recipients.• Enter the return address in [Reply-to address].• Enter the subject for the e-mail message and a message under[Subject] and [Text], respectively.