54When you want to clarify text that is difficult to readSet [Mode] to [Advanced Text Enhancement] or [Advanced TextEnhancement ll] in the [Basic] tab. The background surrounding thetext is removed or processed, emphasizing the text for easy reading.When you want to remove the black spots in scannedimages while scanning documents with punch holesSelect the [Punch Hole Removal] check box in the [Image processing]tab. The black spots from the punch holes in the document areremoved from scanned images.When you want to match the orientation of images to thetext while scanning documents containing pages ofvarying text orientationsSelect the [Text Orientation Recognition] check box in the [Imageprocessing] tab.The orientation of the text is detected on each page, and eachscanned image is rotated in 90-degree increments to the correctorientation.HintWhen the [Text Orientation Recognition] check box is selected, the[Document Orientation] drop-down list is disabled.FlatbedDocument: Face downFeederDocument: Face upOutput image