Chapter 22-42.1.3 Halftone Settings 0011-3458Halftone Settings (PS B&W printers)F-2-2F-2-3Only for monochrome PS printers, it will be possible to specify the halftone screen frequency and angle.For that, in the "Halftone Settings" section in the "Quality" tab, the "Custom" radio button and the "Set-tings" buttonwill be provided.The "Settings" button will be disabled by default and will be enabled by selecting the "Custom" radio but-ton.Clicking the "Settings" button will open the "Custom Settings" dialog to set the halftone screen frequencyand angle.The "Frequency" spin box will default to a value of 71.0 and will accept a value between 40.0 and 150.0.The "Angle" spin box will default to a value of 45.0 and will accept a value between 0.0 and Secured Print Jobs 0011-3459Overview:Secured Print is the function that a password is provided to the PDL(UFR II and PCL) print job and it issent to the device. Then, it is rasterized on the device side, saved in the image server and output by enteringthe password from the device's panel. This function is used when dealing with the documents which youdo not want other people to see, such as confidential documents.a) Password is provided.In order to conduct the Secured Print, the printer driver requires the user to enter the password from GUI.This password is provided to the print job and it is sent to the device. This function can be conducted byusing CPCA protocol(UFR II and PCL).b) Job execution and pendingPDL print job sent to the device as the Secured Print job is compiled on the job queue like the normal PDLprint job. Then, it is rasterized by PDL interpreter, saved in the image server as the document image fileand becomes pending here. However, all job information, such as paper supply/output, the number of cop-ies and finishing information remains.