Setting and Using the System Administrator’s ID and Password4-4Restricting the Use of the Machine4NOTE• Setting of the System Administrator’s password is optional. If you set the SystemAdministrator’s password, you must enter the password every time you enter theSYSTEM SETTINGS menu. You can also use the System Administrator’s ID andpassword instead of the Department ID and password when you are asked to enter theDepartment ID and password to begin operating the machine. In this case, you are usingthe machine as the System Administrator, and do not need to enter the SystemAdministrator’s password when you enter the SYSTEM SETTINGS menu.10 Press (Stop) to return to the Standby mode.Changing/Canceling the SystemAdministrator’s ID and PasswordFollow this procedure to change or cancel the System Administrator’s ID and password.1 Open all three one-touch speed dialing panels.2 Press [Data Registration].3 Press [▼] or [▲] until <6.SYSTEM SETTINGS> appears ➞ press[OK].4 Enter the current System Administrator’s password using thenumeric keys ➞ press [OK].The current password is not displayed as you enter it.DataRegistrationADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS1.PAPER SETTINGSOKADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS6.SYSTEM SETTINGS ➞ SYSTEM SETTINGSPASSWORD _4175286390OKSYSTEM SETTINGSPASSWORD ➞ SYSTEM SETTINGS1.SYS. ADMIN. INFO