Restricting Machine Operation (Department ID Management)4-6Restricting the Use of the Machine4Restricting Machine Operation(Department ID Management)This section describes how to restrict the operations of the machine. We first show you how toset the Department ID and password to restrict the sending and copying operations. Then weshow you how to temporarily turn ON or OFF the restrictions, how to restrict the use of thetelephone, and how to operate the machine with restrictions ON. Finally, we show you how tomanage the counter information.Setting Operation RestrictionsYou can create up to 100 Department IDs and passwords to restrict sending operations on themachine. Follow this procedure to restrict the access to all of these features:• Sending documents• Copying documents, and manually printing fax reports and documents received/stored inmemory• Using the telephone for voice communication1 Open all three one-touch speed dialing panels.2 Press [Data Registration].3 Press [▼] or [▲] until <6.SYSTEM SETTINGS> appears ➞ press[OK].The display for entering the System Administrator’s password appears if youhave set the System Administrator’s password in the SYS.ADMIN.INFO menu.(See “Setting and Using the System Administrator’s ID and Password,” onp. 4-2.)DataRegistrationADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS1.PAPER SETTINGSOKADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS6.SYSTEM SETTINGS ➞ SYSTEM SETTINGSPASSWORD _