What This Machine Can Do2-2Basic Operations2What This Machine Can DoAll the elements you will ever need in a digitalmultitasking machine.CopyingIn addition to normal copying functions,convenient new functions, such as ImageCombination, which enables you toautomatically reduce two- or four-page originalsto fit on the selected paper size, and DifferentSize Originals for copying originals of differentsizes together in one copy operation, areprovided to increase your productivity.For more information, see the Copying Guide.PrintingThis machine uses UFRII LT (Ultra FastRendering II LT) Technology, which utilizes anewly invented printing algorithm to minimizefile processing and achieve maximumperformance.For instructions on setting up the machine as aprinter, see “Before Using the machine as aprinter,” on p. 1-22.For instructions on using the printer driver, seethe Windows Printer Driver Guide, Mac PrinterDriver Guide, or the help on the printer driver.The imageRUNNER 2422/2420 incorporates a rich array of input and output features thatcan greatly enhance your efficiency.Equipped with features that meet the needs of document work in a digitized office, theimageRUNNER 2422/2420 represents the ultimate in digital multitasking machines.2 on 1 CombinationSending datafrom a computerPrinting