Placing Originals2-6Basic Operations2Placing OriginalsPlace your originals on the platen glass or into the feeder, depending on the sizeand type of the original, and the copy modes you want to use.■ Platen GlassPlace your originals on the platen glass when copying bound originals (such as books andmagazines), heavy or lightweight originals, and transparencies.■ Feeder (DADF-P2) (Optional)Place your originals into the feeder when you want to copy several originals at a time, andthen press (Start). The machine automatically feeds the originals to the scanning areaand scans them. If you are copying in the 2-Sided mode, two-sided originals can also beautomatically turned over and scanned as two-sided documents.OrientationYou can place an original either vertically or horizontally. Always align the top edgeof your original with the back edge of the platen glass (by the arrow in the top leftcorner), or with the back edge of the feeder.Platen Glass (View from Above)Place theoriginal facedown.Place the original face down.Vertical Placement Horizontal PlacementArrow Arrow