Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Stack ofDocuments (ADF) Screen (Scan/Import Window)Stack of Documents (ADF) Screen (Scan/Import Window)Point to Scan/Import in the Navigation Mode screen and click Stack of Documents (ADF).Open this window to scan documents from the ADF (Auto Document Feeder).(1) Settings and Operation Buttons(2) Toolbar(3) Thumbnail Window(4) Selected Images AreaSettings and Operation Buttons(View & Use)Click this when you want to open images and PDF files saved on your computer. The View & Usewindow opens.View & Use WindowPhotos/Documents (Platen)Click this when you want to scan photos, documents, magazines and other printed materials. Thescreen for scanning photos and documents appears.Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window)Stack of Documents (ADF)Displays the screen for scanning multiple documents at one time from the ADF (Auto DocumentFeeder).Memory CardClick this when you want to import images saved on a memory card. The screen for importingimages from a memory card appears.Memory Card Screen (Scan/Import Window)Document TypeSelect the type of document to be scanned.When scanning one side of each document: Color Document(Simplex), B/W Document(Simplex) orText(Simplex)When scanning both sides of each document: Color Document(Duplex), B/W Document(Duplex) orText(Duplex)Pagina 511 din 1009 paginiStack of Documents (ADF) Screen (Scan/Import Window)