5-5In MANUAL MODE, if you connect a telephone to your machine, you can receive voice calls as well as manuallyactivate reception of faxes. You can activate reception from the machine or from the telephone connected to themachine (this is called Remote receiving).• For this mode, you need to connect a telephone to your machine. (→ Quick Start Guide)• Make sure there are no documents in the ADF or on the platen glass.• Make sure the REMOTE RX setting is enabled. (→ p. 9-7)NOTEReceiving Faxes ManuallyReceiving Faxes51 Make sure Manual is displayed in theLCD.Ex:• To set MANUAL MODE, → Quick Start Guide.2 Make sure you have connected a telephoneto the machine.3 When you hear the telephone ring, pick upthe handset.4 ❚ If you hear a person’s voice:Start your conversation. If the caller wants to send afax after talking to you, ask them to press the startbutton on their fax machine.When you hear a slow beep, press Start on themachine to begin receiving the fax. Hang up thehandset.❚ If you hear a slow beep tone or silence:Someone is trying to send you a fax.If the telephone is close to your machine, press Starton the machine to begin receiving the fax. Hang upthe handset.• The machine begins receiving the fax.• When the multi-purpose tray is empty, theLCD displays LOAD PAPER. Load paperin the multi-purpose tray and then pressResume. (→ Quick Start Guide)• If the telephone is located away from yourmachine, dial 25 (the remote receiving ID)on your telephone and hang up.• You can change the number for the remotereceiving ID (00 to 99), or disable remotereceiving. (→ REMOTE RX, p. 9-7)• If you have an answering machineconnected to your machine that can carryout remote-control operations (controllingyour answering machine from a remotetelephone), the security code for thisfunction may be the same as the remotereceiving ID. If so, make sure you changethe machine’s remote receiving ID to makeit distinct from the answering machine’ssecurity code. (→ REMOTE RX ID, p. 9-7)• The machine will beep if the handset is nothung up properly. Make sure the handset isseated properly in its cradle. If you do notwant the machine to beep, disable theOFFHOOK ALARM setting. (→ p. 9-4)NOTE1 2 / 0 3 / 2 0 0 1 M O N 1 5 : 3 0M a n u a l S T A N D A R D