26[Dither]– Dither creates halftones using pixels arranged in a fixed pattern. Dithering is suitable for graphsand charts with well-defined color boundaries.[Diffusion]– Diffusion creates halftones by arranging image pixels randomly. Diffusion is suitable forphotographs and graphs that require a fine color gradation.IMPORTANTWith some combination of [Media Type] and [Quality], certain halftoning methods cannotbe selected.z [Reduce spool data size] (Windows 2000/XP only)You can reduce the size of printing data when spooling. Select this check box when thedocument is not printed properly (in such case as the image is not printed).NOTEYou may not be able to see the effect of this setting depending on the application you are using.3 Click [OK].Setting a custom color adjustmentNormally color is adjusted in an application. To make finer adjustments, set up color balance in thedialog box below. In the photograph and illustration at the upper left of the dialog box, you canroughly check the changes made.The following changes are made in the [Printer Properties] or [Printing Preferences] dialog box, onthe [Main] tab.To open the [Printer Properties] or [Printing Preferences] dialog box J “Changing print settings(Opening the settings dialog box)”1 In [Color Adjustment], select [Manual], then click [Set].2 In the [Manual Color Adjustment] dialog box, move the sliders to the left or right toadjust color balance and intensity.3 Click [Enable ICM] to activate the color correction function built into Windows.If you clear this setting, in [Print Type], select the document type to be printed, and in [Brightness],select a level of the brightness when printing.NOTEICM stands for Image Color Management.4 Click [OK].