34Preferences] dialog box.8 In the [Printer Properties] or [Printing Preferences] dialog box, click [OK].Duplex printingYou can print on both sides of a sheet of plain paper.With some kinds of paper, the text on the reverse side of the paper may be visible. In such a case,select [Draft] in [Print Quality].If you wish to bind pages printed on both sides into a booklet, you can determine staple side andset binding margins. J “Duplex printing and binding a document into a booklet (Bookletprinting)”IMPORTANTIMPORTANTIMPORTANT• You cannot use this setting with borderless printing. J “Borderless printing”• You cannot use this setting with either of the following selected in [Printing Type]:– [Poster Printing] J “Poster printing”– [Booklet Printing] J “Duplex printing and binding a document into a booklet (Booklet printing)”• Windows 98/Me: You cannot use this setting if background printing is not active. J “Settingbackground printing (Windows 98/Me only)”1 Load paper in the machine.2 Open the [Printer Properties] or [Printing Preferences] dialog box.J “Changing print settings (Opening the settings dialog box)”3 On the [Main] tab, in [Media Type], select [Plain Paper].IMPORTANTYou cannot perform duplex printing if you do not select [Plain Paper].4 On the [Page Setup] tab, select [Duplex Printing]. If the long side of the paper is to bestapled, click [Long-side stapling]. If the short side is to be stapled, select [Short-sidestapling].5 If necessary, adjust any other settings in the [Printer Properties] or [PrintingPreferences] dialog box.6 In the [Printer Properties] or [Printing Preferences] dialog box, click [OK].7 In the [Print] dialog box, click [Print] or [OK].The front sides will be printed first. When printing of all the front sides is completed, a dialog box willopen informing you that printing on one side of the paper is completed.8 Follow the on-screen instructions to turn the paper over and reload it in the machine.IMPORTANTDepending on the relationship between [Staple side] and [Orientation], the procedure for turningA CBSheet 1 (front)Sheet 1 (back)Sheet 2 (front)Long-side staplingA CBSheet 1 (front) Sheet 2 (front)Sheet 1 (back)Short-side stapling