OPERATIONS AND GN7. Correcting Displacement of the FixingFilma. OutlineThe fixing film can become displacedtoward the front or the rear as it keeps mov-ing. To correct such displacement, the copieris equipped with a correction mechanism.The fixing film displacement Correctionmechanism consists of the following fourparts:* tension roller* swing arm* tension wire* balance springDisplacement, if any, of the fixing film iscorrected by moving the front side of the ten-sion roller up and down by the balanceSwing arm Tension wireBalance springspring and the wire. When the fixing film hasbecome displaced toward the front, the copi-er lowers the front of the tension roller; whenthe fixing film has become displaced towardthe rear, the copier moves up the front of thetension roller.The tension roller is designed to stopwhere the fixing film can move without dis-placement by the work of the balance springand the wire.lf the fixing film becomes displacedtoward the rear or the front in excess of therange within which displacement is correct-ed, the fixing film displacement sensor (PS4)turns on. When the sensor (PS4) turns on,the fixing film is stopped and an error code(EO and 07 alternately flashed) is indicatedon the control panel.DC controllerPCBTension rollerFigure 3-4123-56 COPYRIGHT © 1995 CANON INC,CANON NP6O12/NP6O12F/NP6212 REV. SEPT, 1995 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)