This Service Manual contains the basic facts and figures about the plain paper copierNP6012, NP6012F, NP6212, and is compiled to serve as a handy reference for servicing themachine in the field.This Service Manual consists of the following chapters:In CHAPTER 1, “GENERAL DESCRIPTION,” a brief discussion of the copier’s features,specifications, and an explanation of its operation are given.CHAPTER 2 “COPYING PROCESS?” deals with the inner workings of the copier associatedwith the generation of copies.CHAPTER 3 “OPERATIONS AND TIMING” explains how the copier’s electrical andmechanical systems are related to each other with respect to functions and timing ofoperations.In CHAPTER 4, “MECHANICAL SYSTEM,” the copier’s mechanical system is discussed asto its operation, disassembly, reassembly, and adjustment.CHAPTER 5 “INSTALLATION” gives step-by-step instructions for installing the copiertogether with checks to make for each step.CHAPTER 6 “MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING’ contains tables of replacement parts andconsumables.In addition to the above chapters, this Service Manual contains a set of appendixesconsisting of a general timing chart and general circuit diagrams.A separate document entitled Service Handbook is also available for troubleshootingproblems in the copier.-Note:The contents of this manual may be updated from time to time to reflect improvementsrendered to the copier; a Service Information Bulletin will be issued as necessary to covermajor changes.All service persons are expected to be thoroughly familiar with the information contained inthis manual, Service Handbook, and Service Information Bulletins, for quick response to theuser’s needs.COPYRIGHT © 1995 CANON INC. CANON NP6012/NPSOIZF/HP6212 REV SEPT, 1995 PRINTEDIN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON}