mag GENERAL DESCRIPTION ———2) Place an original on the copyboard, andclose the copyboard cover.3)Ifyouwanttomanuallyadjustthecopydensity,deselectAE,andoperatetheCopyDensityAdjustlever.4) Press the Default Ratio key or ZoomMode key to suit the reproduction ratioyou want.a. When you press the Zoom key, youmay set the ratio between 70% and141% in 1% increments.b. When you press the Default Ratiokey, the ratio changes as follows foreach press:MAX. 141%DIRECT 100%MARGIN 86%LGL > LTR 78%MIN. 70%(Inch- configuration)A5 »& A4BS A4/LTRB5 A5/STMTleas >(AB/Inch- iin it5) Place a single transparency on the sin-glefeeder.« You must not set more than one trans-parency on the singlefeeder.6) Select the multifeeder using the PaperSelect key.7) Set the copy count you want using theCopy Count/Zoom Set key; then, checkthe Copy Count indicator.8) Press the Copy Start key.* Be sure to remove each transparencydelivered to the copy tray before thenext one is delivered.1-14 COPYRIGHT © 1995 CANON INC,IftheTransparencyIsNotPickedUpSmoothly¢Undercertainenvironmentalconditions,transparenciesmayfailtomoveintothemachineinresponsetoapresson theCopyStartkey.Ifthisisthecase,gothroughthe following:1)Placecopypaperunderneaththetrans-parencywith adisplacementofabout1cm.Transparencymeee= (pro aa paperFigure 1-4052)Setthetransparencytogetherwith thecopypaperon themultifeeder whileholdingthetrailingedgeofthecopypaper.3)PresstheCopyStartkeywhilestillhold-ing thetrailingedgeofthecopypaper,hangontothecopypaper,andremoveitwhenthetransparencyhasdisap-pearedintothemachine.Figure 1-406CANON NPSO12/NP6012F /NP6212 REV.1 SEPT, 1995PRINTEDINJAPAN (PRIME AU JAPOK)