A–13APPENDIXF. SOLVENTS/OILSNo.1234567NameEthyl alcohol(Ethanol)Isopropylalcohol(Isopropanol)MEKHeat-resistantgreaseLubricating oil(low viscosity)Lubricatinggrease (lowviscosity)LubricatinggreaseConductivegreaseDescription• Flammable.• Use in a well-ventilated area.• Avoid breathing concentratedvapor.• Flammable.• Use in a well-ventilated areaand avoid breathing concen-trated vapor.• Avoid contact with eyes orskin.• Do not use for cleaning thedrum, plastic molded parts, orcorona wires.Tool No.: CK-0427 (500g can)(Equivqlent grease may beused, able to withstand 200°Cfor extended periods of time.)Equivalent oil may be used.Tool No.: CK-0451 (100cc)Equivalent oil may be used.Tool No.: CK-0524 (100cc).Tool No.: CK-0551 (20g)Tool No.: CK-0438 (100g)UseCleaning:copyboard glass,mirror, etc.Removing toner oroil stainsLubricating thedrive mechanisms;e.g., copyboarddriving gear, fixingdrive gear, fixingass’y, etc.Lubrication points:Scanner rail, etc.Lubrication point:one-way clutch inpick-up controlassemblyLubrication point:friction partsCompositionC2 H 5 OH(CHZ3)2 CHOHCH3 • CO • C2H 5Methylethyl ketoneISO VG 68 oilESSO Febis K68MOBIL Vactraoil No. 2SHELL Tonna oil T68ISO VG 220 oilESSO Febis K220MOBIL Vactraoil No. 4Silicone oilSilicone oil