2–9STANDARDS AND ADJUSTMENTSa. Measuring the NipMeasure the nip when the machine is turned onfor the first time in the morning.1) Open the copyboard cover, and make an A4(SM0-1) solid black copy.2) Place the copy in the cassette tray face down(solid black facing downward).3) Press the service mode switch (SW850) with ahex key.• The machine starts service mode and indi-cates ‘1’.4) Press ‘4’ on the numeric keypad.• The display indicates ‘4’.5) Press the AE key.• The machine enters operation/inspectionmode and indicates ‘401’.6) Press ‘6’ on the numeric keypad.• The display indicates ‘406’.7) Press the Start key.• The paper will be fed from the cassette, andthe machine will be ready to accept newsettings as in Figure 2-223. (The paper will bedischarged.)Reference:The paper stops while half of it is held betweenthe fixing rollers; it will then be discharged fullyabout 10 sec later.8) Measure the nip.16 Points to Note After Replacingthe Upper Fixing UnitIf you replaced the upper fixing unit, you mustenter the temperature offset value of the heaterusing service mode No. 304. (See p. 7-10)17 Mounting the Oil ApplicationSolenoidScrew the oil application solenoid in place whereits lever is lightly in contact with the support of the oilapplication roller.Figure 2-224Oil applicationSolenoidScrewScrewLeverContactSupport