2–26STANDARDS AND ADJUSTMENTSNotationName(+) probe of meterService modeChecks; normal if asindicated.DisplayMeter measurementsQ652Cassette 1 size sensor 2 (CSZ-2)J318-3No. 216 1-bSlide out the cassette while instandby, and operate the detectionlever by a finger.Q651Cassette 1 size sensor 1 (CSZ-1)J318-2No. 216 1-aSlide out the cassette while instandby, and operate the detectionlever by a finger.When the leveris operated0—When the leveris not operated1—When the leveris operated0—When the leveris not operated1—NotationName(+) probe of meterService modeChecks; normal if asindicated.DisplayMeter measurementsQ654Cassette 1 size sensor 4 (CSZ-4)J318-5No. 216 1-dSlide out the cassette while instandby, and operate the detectionlever with a finger.Q653Cassette 1 size sensor 3 (CSZ-3)J318-4No. 216 1-cSlide out the cassette while instandby, and operate the detectionlever by a finger.When the leveris operated0—When the leveris not operated1—When the leveris operated0—When the leveris not operated1—