The original typeIntroductionWhen you change the [Original type] setting under [Show all settings] - [Original] on the userpanel, you can further optimize the quality of your job.Change the original type for color or grayscale. Use the overview to select the correct type.Original types for color• When you move from original types [Photo] to [Folded lines/text], line enhancement andcontrast enhancement are increased, while folds and background are more suppressed.• When you move from original types [Folded lines/text] to [Photo] the color accuracy isincreased.1. Photo2. Artwork3. Map4. Lines/Text5. Folded Lines/textColour AccuracyFolds & Background suppressionContrast & Line enhancementOriginal type Definition[Photo] Used for photos and high resolution prints. Photo gives a softer con-trast than artwork.[Artwork] Used for artwork-like colored originals with more defined color areasand transition between colors.[Map] Used for originals with large color areas, that also include lines and fi-ner details.[Lines/text] Used for CAD drawings.[Folded lines/text] Used for CAD drawings with folds. Lines and wrinkles are suppressed.Original types for grayscaleOriginal type Definition[Lines/text] Used for monochrome CAD drawings.[Colored original] Used for most colored originals, such as colored CAD drawings.[Photo] Used for photos and high resolution prints. Photo gives a softer con-trast than colored original. 4The original typeChapter 4 - Use the Printing System 269