46 Troubleshooting Power Lamp Flashes Green and Alarm Lamp Flashes OrangeAlternatelyThe Power and Alarm lamps flash alternately as shown below.Disconnect the USB cable from the machine, turn the machine off, then unplug the machine fromthe power supply. Plug the machine back in and turn the machine back on.If the problem is not resolved, contact your Canon Service representative.LED Cannot Be Seen At AllError Code Cause ActionE, 2, 2 The FINE CartridgeHolder does not move.Cancel printing, turn off the machine, then remove the protective materialfrom the FINE Cartridge Holder or paper jam that is preventing the FINECartridge Holder from moving.CautionBe careful not to touch the components inside the machine. The machinemay not print out properly if you touch it.E, 2, xE, 3, xE, 4, xAn error requiringservicing might haveoccurred.Turn off the machine, and unplug the power plug of the machine from thepower supply. Then, plug the power plug of the machine back in, and turnon the machine again. If the same error occurs, contact your CanonService representative.Cause ActionThe machine is not powered on or theLED is in the screen-saver mode. z If the Power lamp is offThe machine is not powered on. Connect the power plug and press the ONbutton. The machine will power on and the LED will light.z If the Power lamp is litThe LED may be in the screen-saver mode. On the Operation Panel, press abutton other than the ON button.