2.1.2 Printer service lifeWhichever comes first:(1) A total of 10,000 pages printed at 7.5% duty per color.(2) 5 years of use.2.1.3 Print head service life(1) Service life10,000 pages of color printing (7.5% duty pattern printing per color)(2) Ink tank service life (printable pages per tank)Monochrome (black) * 1BCI-6Bk: 640 pages (2.05%)Color * 2BCI-6Bk: 990 pages (print duty: 0.83%)BCI-6C: 860 pages (print duty: 1.01%)BCI-6M: 790 pages (print duty: 1.56%)BCI-6Y: 470 pages (print duty: 2.70%)BCI-6PC: 410 pages (print duty: 2.93%)BCI-6PM: 270 pages (print duty: 4.95%)✽1: JEIDA Standard pattern (default driver setting)✽2: JIS SCID NO. 5 Pattern (measured when driver set to HQ photo printing on plainpaper)1-3S900 Part 1: Product Specifications ProductSpecificationsFigure 1-2 JEIDA Standard Pattern Figure 1-3 JIS SCID No. 5