8Basic PrintingTo cancel a print job from Windows:To cancel a print job from Windows:To cancel a print job from Windows:To cancel a print job from Windows:1. Click StartStartStartStart, then SettingsSettingsSettingsSettings, then PrintersPrintersPrintersPrinters.For Windows XP, click StartStartStartStart, then Control PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl Panel, then PrintersPrintersPrintersPrintersand Other Hardwareand Other Hardwareand Other Hardwareand Other Hardware, then Printers and FaxesPrinters and FaxesPrinters and FaxesPrinters and Faxes.2. Double-click Canon S750Canon S750Canon S750Canon S750, click the print job, then press the DeleteDeleteDeleteDelete key.The print job will be canceled and the paper ejected.To cancel a print job in Mac OS when using foreground printing:To cancel a print job in Mac OS when using foreground printing:To cancel a print job in Mac OS when using foreground printing:To cancel a print job in Mac OS when using foreground printing:On your keyboard, press the Apple ® Command key ( ) and the period key ( .... ) atthe same time. The print job will be canceled and the paper ejected.To cancel a print job in Mac OS if using background printing:To cancel a print job in Mac OS if using background printing:To cancel a print job in Mac OS if using background printing:To cancel a print job in Mac OS if using background printing:1. While a job is printing, go to the BJPrint Monitor window (click FinderFinderFinderFinder,then BJ Print MonitorBJ Print MonitorBJ Print MonitorBJ Print Monitor).2. Highlight the job to be canceled.3. Click the Stop PrintingStop PrintingStop PrintingStop Printing icon in thePrint Queue dialog box. The print jobwill be canceled and the paperejected.