3-6You can specify the storage period of the recordedimages and the maximum disk usage.Display the [Servers] TabThe [Servers] tab is displayed in the [Settings] dialogbox.➀ List of Storage ServersDisplay a list of Storage Servers.➁ [Add], [Edit], and [Remove]Edit a Storage Server. [Add] or [Remove] are notavailable with RM-Lite.➂ [Recorded Video Settings]Specify the minimum and maximum storage period forrecorded images.➃ [Close]Close the dialog box. Specify the Storage Period for RecordedImagesYou can specify the storage period for images recordedon the Storage Server.• Select the [Ensure video is kept for at least] check boxto specify the minimum storage period. Select the units(days or weeks) of the storage period and enter thenumber of days (1 to 90) or weeks (1 to 12).• [Ensure video is kept for upto] is always enabled. Youcannot disable it. Select the units (days or weeks) ofthe storage period and enter the number of days(1 to 90) or weeks (1 to 12).Change the Destination of the Recording Fileand the Maximum Disk UsageSpecify a drive for recording or change the maximum diskusage.Click [Do not limit] for each drive to display themaximum disk usage. Select the [Maximum DiskSpace Used] check box and specify a maximum diskusage that does not exceed the total disk capacity.Configure a Storage Server1 Click [Settings] > [Storage Servers].➃➀➂➁ImportantDepending on the maximum disk usage setting for the StorageServer (P. 3-6), recordings may not be stored for the full storageperiod specified in this setting.1 Select a Storage Server from the list of StorageServers.2 Click [Edit] to display the [Storage Server Settings]dialog box.3 Clear the check boxes next to the drives that are notused for recording.4 Specify the maximum disk usage.