Chapter 77-336. Error message listDetails of the errors and their remedies are as described below.(The meaning of server indicates the UGW in this section)T-7-47*1:[Hexadecimal] indicates an error code returned from the UGW in hexadecimal.7. Service cautionsAfter performing the following service actions, it is necessary to perform the resetting of the e-RDS.Failure to do so will result that the counter transmitting value to the UGW may become unusual.- System software (firmware) upgrade- After replacing the main controller board, the following settings in service mode must not be changed unless there are specific instructions to do so. Changingthese values will cause error in communication with the UGW.(Initial values)UGW-PORT: 443UGW-ADDRESS: https://a01---.No. Error Message Cause Remedy1 SUSPEND:Communication test is notperformedE-RDS has been booted up (device reboot) with E-RDS SWITCH = ON but thecommunication test had not yet been performed.Perform the communication test [COMTEST] in service mode.2 Event Registration is Failed Event Registration is Failed Processing (eventprocessing) within the device has failed.Turn the device OFF/ ON. If the error persists, replace thedevice system software (firmware).(Upgrade)3 URL Scheme error (not https) The header of the URL of the registered UGW isnot in https format. A "https://" input error.Check that the value of UGW-ADR has been entered correctlyas https://a01---.4 Server connection error An UGW connection error. Displayed in the eventof a TCP/IP communication fault.Check the network-related settings according to "No.1:Communication test is not performed" in "Troubleshooting".5 URL server specified is illegal A URL different to that specified by the UGW hasbeen set. An URL address setting error.Check that the value of UGW-ADR has been entered correctlyas https://a01---.6 Proxy connection error Cannot connect to proxy server.Displayed when unable to connect to proxy server.Check proxy server address and re-enter if necessary.7 Proxy authentication error Displayed when the authentication to the proxyserver has failed.Check the user name and password required in order to loginto the proxy, and re-enter if necessary.8 Server certificate error Device's route certificate is unavailable. Reinstall the latest device system software (firmware).(Upgrade)9 Server certificate expired The route certificate registered with the device hasexpired.Check that the device time and date are correctly set. If thedevice time and date are correct, upgrade to the latest systemsoftware (firmware).10 Unknown error Some other kind of communication error hasoccurred.Try again after a period of time. If the same error occurs again,check the UGW status with the UGW administrator.11 SOAP Fault SOAP communication error has occurred. Check that the value of UGW-PORT is 443.12 Server response error (NULL) A UGW response error (when UGW error codeprocessing has failed).A HTTPS communication error.Try again after a period of time. If the same error persists,check the UGW status with the UGW administrator.13 Server response error(Hexadecimal)[Error detailed in the UGW]:*1A UGW response error.Displayed when communication with UGW hasbeen successful, but an error of some sort hasprevented UGW from responding.Check an error code (hexadecimal) returned from the UGW,then retry after a period of time.14 Device internal error An internal device error. An error due to the deviceside.Switch the device OFF/ ON. Or, replace the device systemsoftware. (Upgrade)15 Server schedule is invalid During the communication test, there has beensome kind of error in the schedule values passedfrom UGW.When the error occurs, report the details to the supportdepartment. Then, after the UGW side has responded, retry thecommunication test.16 Server response time out UGW response time out.Due to network congestion, etc., the response fromUGW does not come within the specified time.If this error occurs when the communication test is being run,wait some time and rerun the test.17 Server not found There is a mistake in the UGW URL, and UGWcannot be accessed.Check that the value of Service mode > E-RDS/RGW-ADR ishttps://a01---.18 E-RDS switch is set OFF E-RDS is disabled. Set E-RDS SWITCH = ON, and run COM-TEST in servicemode.19 Server schedule is not exist Server schedule does not exist.Blank schedule data have been received fromUGW.Check the device settings status with the UGW administrator.20 Network is not ready, try later Network-related settings have not been made forthe device.Make network-related settings properly for the device(printer).21 URL error A URL setting error.Non-URL text string entered in URL field.Check that the value of UGW-ADR is https://a01---.22 Proxy address resolution error A proxy server address resolution error. Check that the proxy server name is correct.23 Server certificate verify error The server certificate verification (URL check)error.Check that the value of UGW-ADR is https://a01---.24 Server address resolution error UGW address resolution has failed. Check that the value of UGW-ADR is https:// a01---.