Chapter 77-43Print item Print content Printed valueCOUNTER INK-USE1 INK (The inkcolor isindicated)Cumulative consumption amount of generic ink Unit: mlTTL Total amount of the cumulative consumption ofgeneric inkLINK (The inkcolor isindicated)Cumulative consumption amount of generic large inkTTL Total amount of the cumulative consumption ofgeneric large inkSINK (The inkcolor isindicated)Cumulative consumption amount of generic small inkTTL Total amount of the cumulative consumption ofgeneric small inkNINK (Theink color isindicated)Cumulative consumption amount of refilled inkTTL Total amount of the cumulative consumption ofrefilled inkINK-USE2 INK (The inkcolor isindicated)Consumption amount of generic ink of the currentlyinstalled ink tank.Unit: mlTTL Total consumption amount of generic ink of thecurrently installed ink tanksNINK (Theink color isindicated)Consumption amount of refilled ink of the currentlyinstalled ink tankTTL Total consumption amount of refilled ink of thecurrently installed ink tanksINK-EXC INK (The inkcolor isindicated)Cumulative count of generic ink tank replacement Unit: timesTTL Total amount of the cumulative count of generic inktank replacementNINK (Theink color isindicated)Cumulative count of refilled ink tank replacementTTL Total amount of the cumulative count of refilled inktank replacement