Chapter 77-27T-7-324) CLEAR: Counters related to counter initializationT-7-335) EXCHANGE: Counters related to parts replacementT-7-34Display Description UnitCLN-A-1 Cumulative number of automatic cleaning 1 (normal suction) operations TimesCLN-A-2 Cumulative number of automatic cleaning 2 (ink level adjusting) operations TimesCLN-A-3 Cumulative number of automatic cleaning 3 (initial filling) operations TimesCLN-A-6 Cumulative number of automatic cleaning 6 (strong normal suction) operations TimesCLN-A-7 Cumulative number of automatic cleaning 7 (aging) operationsCLN-A-10 Cumulative number of automatic cleaning 10 (ink filling after secondary transportation) operations TimesCLN-A-11 Cumulative number of automatic cleaning 11 (ink filling after head replacement) operations TimesCLN-A-15 Cumulative number of automatic cleaning 15 (dot count small suction) operations TimesCLN-A-16 Cumulative number of automatic cleaning 16 (sedimented ink agitation) operations TimesCLN-A-17 Cumulative number of automatic cleaning 17 (small suction) operations TimesCLN-A-TTL Total number of automatic cleaning operations TimesCLN-M-1 Cumulative number of manual cleaning 1 (normal suction) operations TimesCLN-M-4 Cumulative number of manual cleaning 4 (ink draining from head after head replacement) operations TimesCLN-M-5 Cumulative number of manual cleaning 5 (ink draining from head and tube before transportation ) operations TimesCLN-M-6 Cumulative number of manual cleaning 6 (normal strong suction) operations TimesCLN-M-TTL Total number of manual cleaning operations TimesDisplay Description UnitCLR-INK CONSUME Cumulative count of ink section consumption amount clearing TimesCLR-CUTTER EXC. Cumulative count of cutter replacement count clearing TimesCLR-MTC EXC. Cumulative count of maintenance cartridge replacement count clearing TimesCLR-HEAD L EXC. Cumulative count of printhead L replacement count clearing TimesCLR-HEAD R EXC. Cumulative count of printhead R replacement count clearing TimesCLR-UNIT A EXC. Cumulative count of unit A(waste ink system) replacement count clearing TimesCLR-UNIT D EXC. Cumulative count of unit D(carriage unit) replacement count clearing TimesCLR-UNIT H EXC. Cumulative count of unit H(purge unit) replacement count clearing TimesCLR-UNIT K EXC. Cumulative count of unit K(head management sensor) replacement count clearing TimesCLR-UNIT M EXC. Cumulative count of unit M(carriage motor) replacement count clearing TimesCLR-UNIT P EXC. Cumulative count of unit P(feed motor) replacement count clearing TimesCLR-UNIT V EXC. Cumulative count of unit V(mist fan unit) replacement count clearing TimesCLR-FACTORY CNT. For factory TimesDisplay Description UnitCUTTER EXC. Cutter replacement count(Count of executing cutter replacement mode)TimesMTC EXC. Maintenance cartridge replacement count TimesHEAD R EXC. Printhead R replacement count TimesHEAD L EXC. Printhead L replacement count TimesBOARD EXC.(M/B) Main controller PCB replacement count TimesUNIT A EXC. Unit A (waste ink system) replacement count(Count of executing [INITIALIZE] > [PARTS COUNTER] > [PARTS A])TimesUNIT D EXC. Unit D (carriage unit) replacement count(Count of executing [INITIALIZE] > [PARTS COUNTER] > [PARTS D])TimesUNIT H EXC. Unit H (purge unit) replacement count(Count of executing [INITIALIZE] > [PARTS COUNTER] > [PARTS H])TimesUNIT K EXC. Unit K (head management sensor) replacement count(Count of executing [INITIALIZE] > [PARTS COUNTER] > [PARTS K])TimesUNIT M EXC. Unit M (carriage unit) replacement count(Count of executing [INITIALIZE] > [PARTS COUNTER] > [PARTS M])TimesUNIT P EXC. Unit P (feed motor) replacement count(Count of executing [INITIALIZE] > [PARTS COUNTER] > [PARTS P])TimesUNIT V EXC. Unit V (mist fan unit) replacement count(Count of executing [INITIALIZE] > [PARTS COUNTER] > [PARTS V])Times