5-13Registering Destinations in the Address Book● To register a group dialProceed to Step 6.● To add destination(s) to the registered group dial(1) Click [No.], [Type] or [Name].(2) Click [Edit].(3) Click [Select from Address Book].(4) Click [One-Touch] or [Coded Dial] from the drop-down listand click [Display].(5) Select the check box of the destination which you wantto add to the group and click [OK].(6) Make sure the destination you registered is displayed in[Members List] and click [OK].● To delete destination(s) from the registered group dial(1) Click [No.], [Type] or [Name].(2) Click [Edit].(3) Select the destination to be deleted from [Members List]and click [Delete].(4) Click [OK].● To change the name of the registered group dial(1) Click [No.], [Type] or [Name].(2) Click [Edit].(3) Change the name of [Group Name] and click [OK].● To delete the registered group dial(1) Click [Delete] of the group dial which you want to delete.6 Click the unregistered [No.], [Type] or [Name].7 Select [Group] in [Destination Type to Register]and click [OK].8 Enter the group name in [Group Name] and click[Select from Address Book].9 Select the destination(s) to be registered in thisgroup.(1) Select [One-Touch] or [Coded Dial] from the drop-downlist and click [Display].(2) Select the check box of the destination which you wantto register in the group.(3) Click [OK].(1)(2)(3)10 Make sure that the destination you registered isdisplayed in [Members List] and click [OK].