IV Preface Reading the documentationInstalling the Utility SoftwareTo Install the Utility Software, in the [MP Setup] screen, click [Install Utility Software].Software included in this CD-ROM:• Easy-WebPrintEasy-WebPrint is a plug-in program for Internet Explorer that allows you to print a whole webpage without complicated settings.• Easy-PhotoPrintEasy-PhotoPrint is an application that allows you to print an image in your digital camera onlyby selecting the image and paper type. Easy-Photoprint also allows you to perform simpleimage modification such as rotating and trimming an image.• Scansoft OmniPageOmniPage is an application that converts PDF and paper documents– letters, contracts,tables, manuals– using OCR technology, into editable word processing and spreadsheetdocuments.• Presto! PageManagerPresto! PageManager is an application that allows you to scan, share and organize photos anddocuments.• Adobe Acrobat ReaderAdobe Acrobat Reader allows you to read Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files.Viewing the documentation on the CD-ROM1 Insert the MP730/700 Setup CD-ROM intothe disk drive.• The [MP Setup] screen will be displayed. If thisscreen is not displayed, on the Windows desktop,double-click [My Computer] (Windows XP: Click[Start], then click [My Computer]). Open theCD-ROM icon, then double-click[setup(setup.exe)].CAUTION• The documentation included in the CD-ROM is in PDF and HTML format.• To view the documentation in PDF format, you will need to have Adobe AcrobatReader installed. If you do not have installed Adobe Acrobat Reader, in the [MP Setup]screen, click [Install Utility Software] to install the software.2 In the [MP Setup] screen, click [View User’s Manual].3 In the [View User’s Manual] screen, click the button of the guide you want toview.• You can copy the documentation on your computer and display start-up icons for the “MPSoftware Guide” (PDF), “MP User’s Guide” (PDF), and “Application Guide” (HTML) on theWindows desktop.