35Standard ScanningClick the Select document and Output panels, and then click the[Scan] button to scan the document. You can select the scan methodaccording to the document type and purpose of use before scanning.“Standard Scanning” (See p. 36)Scanning ShortcutYou can register in advance combinations of frequently-useddocument selections and output methods as a"Scanning Shortcut". Just click the Scanning shortcut panel toimplement the scan.“Scanning Shortcut” (See p. 38)Start buttonIf a job is assigned, the scanning starts when you set the documentand press the Start button.“Scanning with Start Button” (See p. 42)Starting and Exiting CaptureOnTouchBy default, CaptureOnTouch becomes resident in the system whenyou start your computer.Double-click in the taskbar to start CaptureOnTouch and displaythe main window.Hint• You can also start CaptureOnTouch from the Start menu. Click[Start] - [All Programs] - [Canon DR-C240] - [DR-C240CaptureOnTouch].• The interval between the time you press the Start button on thescanner and the time scanning begins is shortened when the [MakeCaptureOnTouch resident] check box is selected in the [Basicsettings] tab of the [Environmental settings] dialog box. For details,see “Environmental Settings” on p. 49.Exiting CaptureOnTouchTo close the CaptureOnTouch window, click at the top of thewindow. This closes the window, but CaptureOnTouch will continue toreside in the system.To quit the CaptureOnTouch application, click in the taskbar, andselect [Exit] from the menu.CaptureOnTouch becomes no longer resident in the system and theicon disappears from the taskbar.Restarting CaptureOnTouchTo use CaptureOnTouch after it has been made not resident in thesystem, use one of the following procedures to restart it.CaptureOnTouch will start and become resident in the system again.• Click [Start] - [All Programs] - [Canon DR-C240] - [DR-C240CaptureOnTouch].• Press the Start button on the scanner (in this case, the main screenof CaptureOnTouch will open and scanning will start using the scanmethod assigned to the Start button).HintIn Windows 8.1 / 8, it is registered in the following location.