2-14 COPYRIGHT © CANON ELECTRONICS INC. 2008 CANON DR-X10C FIRST EDITIONCHAPTER 2 FUNCTION & OPERATIONIII. FEED SYSTEM1. OutlineThe drive rollers are driven by a motorand rotated by transmission of gears andtiming belts. The motor is assembled for otherpurposes than rotation of the drive rollers.Sensors for feed control are also mounted.The main characteristics of the feed sys-tem of this machine are shown below.1) Pickup tray elevationThe elevation and the stop position of thepickup tray can be controlled. The standbyposition can be selected from 3 levels inthe user mode and the pickup tray can beopened automatically when the power isturned ON.2) Independent mechanism operation of theright and left document guidesThe right and left document guides can beslid together and independently of eachother. Thus, the reference position atwhich a document is loaded can be setarbitrarily.3) Separation torque controlThe number of revolutions and torque ofthe separation motor can be controlled.Thus, the separation force can be selectedfrom 5 levels in the user mode according tothe type of document.4) Ultrasonic SensorThis machine contains 3 sets of ultrasonicsensors. The double feeds of left- orright-justified documents can be detectedby the sensors. An ultrasonic sensor to beenabled can be selected and anon-detection area in the feed directioncan be set for each sensor by setting adriver.5) Double feed retryIf a double feed is detected by the ultra-sonic sensor, the doubly-fed documentcan be returned automatically to thepickup inlet without ejecting it and thedocument can be fed again and separationcan be retried. Therefore, scanning can becontinued. In the user mode, the number ofrepetitions can be selected and this func-tion can be disabled.6) Eject speed controlIf documents are fed at a high speed andejected at the same speed, alignment ofthe documents deteriorates. The speedwhen the trailing edge of the document isejected is reduced and deterioration ofalignment is prevented by controlling thenumber of revolutions of the eject motor.7) Staple detectionFeeding of stapled documents can bestopped by installing a dedicated sensor atthe pickup inlet.