Specifying the Machine’s IP Address 2-15Connecting the Machine to a TCP/IP Network2Specifying the Machine’s IP AddressBefore specifying the machine’s protocol settings, you must assign the machine anIP address to enable communication between the machine and computers.IMPORTANT• Before you perform the operations described in this section, make sure that themachine is turned ON and physically connected to the network.• If you are configuring the settings for the first time, use the machine’s control panel.After configuring the settings, you can change them using the Remote UI. For moreinformation on Remote UI, see “Managing the Machine,” on p. 9-11.• Changes made to IP Address Settings become effective when the machine isrestarted. To restart the machine, turn it OFF, wait at least 10 seconds, and then turn itON. For instructions on how to turn the machine ON and OFF, see Chapter 2, “BeforeYou Start Using the Machine,” in the User’s Guide.• Functions that communicate with external servers on the internet may not be able toaccess them due to firewall settings, etc. In this case, consult your networkadministrator.NOTEFor instructions on how to enter characters using the on-screen keyboard, seeChapter 2, “Basic Operations,” in the Reference Guide.Setting IPv4 AddressThis section describes how to set the IPv4 address from the control panel. Afterconfiguring the TCP/IPv4 settings, make sure that the network connections areproperly set. (See “Checking the Network Connection,” on p. 2-22.)NOTE‘DHCP’ is selected as default.