Setting the Department ID Management4-6System Manager Settings4Setting the Department ID ManagementBy storing a Department ID and Password for each department, you can set the machine sothat its functions can be used only after the correct password has been entered. This iscalled “Department ID Management.” Department IDs and Passwords for up to 300departments can be stored. This function allows you to check the print totals for eachdepartment, for management purposes.With Department ID Management, the following operations can be performed:• Specifying whether or not to use Department ID Management• Storing the Department ID and the Password• Settiing Function Restrictions• Setting the Impression Limit for each department.IMPORTANT• This function switches to Card ID Management when the Control Card (option) is attached. Card IDManagement automatically manages the ID according to department (See ‘Card Reader-C1,’ on p.7-80.)NOTE• The maximum number of digits you can store for the Department ID and Password is seven. Ifyou store either with less than seven digits, the machine stores them with leading zeroes, asfollows:- Example: When <321> is entered → <0000321> is stored• The default setting is “Off.”Storing the Department ID and Password, and ImpressionLimit1 Call up the desired screen as follows:When the System Manager ID/Password is set, enter the System Manager ID and SystemPassword after pressing “System Settings.” Then, press (ID).(Additional Functions)Department IDManagement