Sample Reports9-49 Appendix■ SHEET x COPIEPrints the number of pages in each copy set and the number of sets made.■ RESULTPrints "OK" or "NG.""OK" is printed when the print job completes successfully."NG" (No Good) is printed if an error occurs during the print job. The error code or "STOP"is also printed next to "NG."Device Information Delivery Destination ListThe Device Information Delivery Destination List contains information aboutregistered delivery destinations. You can print this list from Register Destinationsunder Transmitting Settings in Device Information Delivery Settings in SystemSettings (from the Additional Functions screen). (See "Printing the DeliveryDestinations," on p. 6-52.)■ DESTINATIONThe IP addresses of the registered destination machines are printed.■ DEST. RECEIVABLE DATAThe data receivable at the registered destinations is printed.■ AUTO DELIVERY"On" is printed if Auto Delivery Settings in Transmitting Settings in Device InformationDelivery Settings in System Settings (from the Additional Functions screen) are set for theregistered destination. "Off" is printed if Auto Delivery Settings are not set for theregistered destination.■ AUTO DELIVERY DATAThe data that is delivered automatically is printed if Auto Delivery Settings in TransmittingSettings in Device Information Delivery Settings in System Settings (from the AdditionalFunctions screen) are set for the destination.*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************07/06/2007 FRI 13:58 iR C3480 001111.11.111.111222.22.222.222333.33.333.333DESTINATION---OffOffOffDEPT. IDADDRESS BOOKDEPT. IDADDRESS BOOKDEPT. IDADDRESS BOOKDEST. RECEIVABLE DATA AUTO DELIVERYDEVICE INFORMATION DELIVERY DESTINATION LISTAUTO DELIVERY DATA