2Press the appropriate key to enter a letter or number.If text (:A) is the chosen entry mode, press the key continuously until the upper orlower case letter you want appears.If you go past the letter you want, press the key continuously until it appearsagain.Each key contains the upper and lower case letters for its group of letters.(For example:contains the letters ABCabc)3Enter the next letter, if necessary.If the next letter you want to enter is in the same key, press [e] to move thecursor to the right one space. Then, press the key continuously until the letter youwant appears.If the next letter you want to enter is in a different key, just press that key to movethe cursor to the right and display the first letter of that group.Follow these steps to enter the word ‘Canon’:Press [2] until you see an uppercase ➞press [e] to move the cursor to theright➞press [2] until you see a lowercase . Press [6] until you see alowercase ➞press [e] to move the cursor to the right➞press [6] until an appears➞press [e] to move the cursor to the right➞press [6] again untilan appears.• You can also enter symbols. Press [#] until you see the symbol you want.However, you cannot enter symbols if the number mode is selected.• To enter a space, make sure that [Function] is lit➞press [Space].Correcting a Mistake1Press [4] or [e] to move the cursor left or right to positionit under the incorrect letter➞press [Delete]➞enter thecorrect letter.Make sure that [Function] is lit➞press [Clear]to delete the entire entry➞start again.