CarNetix CNX-P1290 V1.0 Installation Manual2.3 Connecting the WiresThe CarNetix CNX-P1290 can be installed in a variety of ways, depending upon the systemrequirements. The primary target CarPC for the CNX-P1290 are the Casetronic (Travla) C13X seriesand the Cubid 26XX and 36XX series, with an internal Morex 60 Watt DC-DC PSU. The MorexPSU requires an input of +12V +/-5%, which is provided by Primary Output of the CNX-P1290.The +5V Secondary Output is typically used to provide power to USB devices.In addition, the CNX-P1290 includes an on-board Startup/Shutdown Controller (SSC) which may beused if desired, but which is NOT required if all you want is power for your CarPC. The CNX-P1290 also provides a delayed control signal to turn on auxiliary devices such as audio amplifiers,after power has been applied to your CarPC. This helps prevent an audible “thump” in your speakerswhen power is applied to both the CarPC and the audio amp at the same time.Three different installation configurations are presented here. They are specific to the C134, but thesame techniques apply to other CarPC cases. If you have questions regarding a different type ofCarPC that is not addressed here, please visit our Support Forum and ask the specific question there.Power Connection Options:1) Option 1: Power-only to CarPC through existing case power plug.• Does not use the SSC (Startup/Shutdown Controller) and does not require opening thecase2) Option 2: Power and SSC connection using existing case power plug.• Requires opening the case to attach SSC ACPI control to motherboard• Uses existing case power plug3) Option 3: Power and SSC connection using internal power connector and SSC connection.• Requires opening case to attach SSC• Requires removal of existing case power plug to connect to PSUNote: Similar to the installation of any aftermarket electronic device (i.e. audio poweramplifier), battery power (+12V) cables, grounding cables, and fuses are NOT supplied aspart of the CNX-P1290 kit. These installation cable kits can be purchased from a variety ofon-line and retail locations such as auto-parts stores, Wal-Mart, and electronics outlets. TheCNX-P1290 does provide “pigtail” connectors for connecting to the CNX-P1290 (seeIdentifying the Connecting Points above).- 12 -