CarNetix CNX-P1290 V1.0 Installation Manual6.0 Using the Pulse Start FeatureThe CNX-P1290 includes a new feature that allows you to remotely start and stop the PSU. Thisfeature is called “Pulse Start”. This feature would normally be used in conjunction with a wirelessdevice such as a car alarm with auxiliary inputs/outputs or a WiFi device with Wake-On-LAN(WOL) features.6.1 Pulse Start ConnectionsThe Pulse Start input can either be an externally applied voltage (ie +5v or +12V) pulse, or amomentary relay contact closure. The externally applied voltage pulse is connected to Pin 1 of J1using the Blue wire. The momentary relay contact closure is connected to Pins 1&2 of JP1 (seeSection 2.2 for location). You can use either or both of these connections to start/stop the PSU.6.2 Pulse Start Operation6.2.1 What is a pulse?Voltage Pulse on Pin 1 of J1When connecting to Pin 1 of J2, the “pulse” must be a voltage that transitions from 0V to +V, andthen transitions back to 0V. The SSC will wait (hang) if the voltage stays high without going backto 0V after the initial transition from 0V to +V.The value of the +V can be any voltage from approximately +2V to +20V. Typical voltages are +5Vor +12V. The value of 0V must be below +.2V or open circuit (ie you could drive this input with arelay that momentarily connects to a +12V source and then provides an open circuit).The current required to drive this input is very low (milliamps).Contact Closure Pulse on Pins 1&2 of JP1When connecting to Pins 1&2 of JP1, the “pulse” must be a low resistance metallic contact closure(ie relay) that transitions from OPEN to CLOSED, and then back to OPEN. The SSC will wait(hang) if the contact closure remains CLOSED after the initial transition from OPEN to CLOSED.The current passing through this relay is very small (milliamps) so a low power relay can be used.Pulse WidthThe pulse width can be any value from a minimum of approximately 100mSec to several seconds.As mentioned above, if the pulse is very long the SSC will wait for the transition back to the normalstate before continuing.6.2.2 Starting the PSU with a pulseWhen the PSU is in Idle State (both LEDs off) and an externally applied pulse is applied to the PulseStart input, the PSU will power up normally, as it would if the Ignition line had gone high. Duringthe Bootup Lockout State any input pulse is ignored.- 34 -