Owner’s Manual | Model 5025© 2008 Carmanah Technologies CorporationRevised: August 20082.0 Infrared ProgrammerAll functions of the Model 502 light are controlled by an infrared programmer. Carmanah currentlysupports both the original and the updated infrared programmers. The only differences between the twoprogrammers are the faceplate and setting up the programmers; all other functionality remains the same.To set up the programmer and see the faceplate details for the original Carmanah programmer, seeAppendix A: Original Infrared Programmer.Using the programmer you can perform the following functions: change the flash pattern set the automatic light control turn the light off and on test the lightOnce the settings are programmed, the light can be immediately deployed or placed in a box for storageor shipping. If placed in a box, the light automatically turns off after 24 hours. All the previouslyprogrammed settings become active when the light is removed from the box.Table 2-1: Programmer Buttons describes the buttons for the programmer.Table 2-1: Programmer ButtonsButton or Symbol DescriptionUse the Start button to initiate a programming sequence.Use the Enter button to complete a programming sequence.This symbol indicates that a numerical entry is required.Table 2-2: Light Programming Symbols describes the symbols used in this manual to indicate theresponse from the Model 502 light during programming.Table 2-2: Light Programming SymbolsSymbol DescriptionThe single burst symbol represents the single flash from the light indicating a correct entry.The double burst symbol represents two longer flashes from the light which indicates anincorrect entry. The code has not been accepted and you must restart the programmingsequence.The triple burst symbol represents three quick flashes from the light indicating that the codehas been accepted.2.1 Setting up the ProgrammerTo set up the infrared programmer, install two new AAA batteries.